About Us
Tian Yi Elite Pty Ltd is a pharmaceutical company registered in Australia.
The company based on Dr. Wen Cheng Wang who has over 40 years traditional Chinese medicine experience as the sole technology, an Australian pharmaceutical manufacturer as the production core and is a AUST L registered product range. Driven by the above, the company strives promote the application of traditional Chinese medicine, an ancient medical culture, in the modern society.
Dr. Wen Cheng Wang has been studying the soul of TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) for decades - pulse diagnosis. He developed his technique by reading the pulse of diagnosed patients then finding patterns within the pulse thus creating his own "rules". He then combines this knowledge with pre-existing, famouse Chinese medicine techniques and modern advancements to create new and improved techniques. After years of clinical use and several revisions, the formulas were finally finalized. The formulas are in line with the requirements of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia and with AUST L registiona. All ingredients in the formulas are pure botanical preparation, free of harmful substances, free of animal components, with no dependencies.
Tian Yi Elite Pty Ltd has integrated these Chinese herbal medicine formulas, completed the process of formulating products with the assistance of the pharmaceutical factory, and obtained the AUST L certificates of the Australian Medicines Administration (TGA).
Tian Yi Elite Pty Ltd plans to complete the launch and promotion of five products within two years, and is responsible for global sales. The current three products that are registed at TGA are:
1. Bright Life
2. Skin & Liver Detox
3. Eyes & Sinus Relief
Tian Yi Elite Pty Ltd 是在澳大利亚注册的医药公司。
公司以澳大利亚中医药学会荣誉会长王文成四十年的中医经验为技术核心,以澳洲本土的制药企业为生产核心,并且通过澳洲AUST L 的产品注册。在双核的驱动下,大力推广中医药这一古老的医学文化,在新时代及新环境中的应用。
王文成会长几十年来一直在精研中医诊疗的灵魂 - -脉诊。他运用独特的脉法,从已经确诊的病人入手,找出脉象的共同点,以古代医家名方为基础,结合时代的变化,运用自己的中医理念,通过对几类特殊病症十几年的追踪,拟定了对应的中草药配方,经过多年临床使用并几经修改,最终定型成方。配方是符合中国药典的要求,并取得澳大利亚AUST L 注册,是纯植物配方,不含有害物质,不含动物成分,没有依赖性。
Tian Yi Elite Pty Ltd 整合了这些中草药配方,在药厂的协助下完成了配方产品化的过程,并获得了澳大利亚医药管理局(TGA)的
Tian Yi Elite Pty Ltd 计划在两年内完成五个产品的面试与推广,并且负责全球销售。目前已推出三种产品:
1. Bright Life
2. Skin & Liver Detox
3. Eyes & Sinus Relief
WWW.tianyielite.com P +61 3 7009 7333
E info@tianyielite.com M+61 42362 2163
Suite 5, level 4, 517 St Kilda Rd Melbourne, VIC 3004
Our Team
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